2020 Fulltime Families Rally in your Rig Virtual Rally

April 13th – April 18th, 2020:  Monday to Saturday

Rally will take place virtually on Facebook and Zoom

Join us for the first ever Fulltime Families Virtual Rally! This event was formed to bring this amazing community together even when we can’t physically be in the presence of our traveling friends. Our goals for this week are to give you something positive to look forward to, share ways to connect and stay connected with other Fulltime Families, and have a ton of fun!

This virtual rally will take place on the dedicated event page on Facebook and also on Zoom so internet access will be essential. Some of the activities will be live and some will be available to complete on your own time. A detailed schedule will be emailed to you by Friday night with a list of supplies for you to collect from around the rig. If you don’t have access to the exact supplies, don’t worry! Use substitutions whenever necessary, we’re all about flexibility!

While we know that this event won’t be the same as an in person rally, we hope that your family will have fun meeting other Fulltime Families members and enjoy participating in the actitivies that we have planned for the week.

Cost for the event is FREE!

Your Hangout Ticket gets you access to:

Sticker for your RV
Adult Coffee Talk and BYOB
Group Field Trip
Arts, Crafts, and Activities
Movie Nights
Ending Celebration
and much more!

 Members Only!  If you are not a member yet, click here to join now.


This rally is in progress and is now closed to new registrations.