Have you ever been to an RV rally? If not, it’s high time you got yourself to one. And honestly, even if you’ve already been to a dozen RV events, you should be making plans to attend upcoming rallies. Why? Because whether you’re brand new to the road or an old pro,...
We have been going to Legoland, FL with FTF since 2013. This winter was no exception! Entering the Park We gathered early and assembled waiting to storm the gates of Legoland on an unseasonably chilly Florida morning. Our group paired off for much of the day weaving...
February is the month of love. And what do we associate with love? The color red. So it is only fitting that the Fulltime Families members in California painted Legoland red on Valentine’s Day! There are two goals that are super important for families who travel...
We at Fulltime Families seek to provide community, information, tips, support, and discounts for full-time RV living and traveling families. If you are new to RV living with kids or haven’t even launched yet, then be sure to join Fulltime Families! Click here to read more about Fulltime Families.