When you’re traveling from one place to the next, it can be very easy to forget about checking weather apps. Unfortunately, because the weather can be so different from one place to the next, this can have some serious consequences. Driving into bad weather could damage your home (making good RV insurance a must have) or even cause you and your family to be seriously injured.
From high winds and flooding to tornadoes and hurricanes, there are a lot of different types of bad weather you will want to keep an eye out for during your travels. This might seem pretty complicated, but it doesn’t have to be.
The answer? Easy to use weather apps that send alerts.
In this article we will discuss the best weather apps for RV travelers. By downloading each of these weather apps and turning the alerts on, you can rest assured you’ll always know when bad weather is headed your way.
Best of the All-Encompassing Weather Apps: MyRadar Weather Radar
Most people have The Weather Channel App or AccuWeather installed on their phones. These apps get the job done just fine, but we really like the versatility and accuracy offered by MyRadar. We highly recommend adding this all-encompassing weather app to your lineup.
Best for Tracking Hurricanes: My Hurricane Tracker & Alerts
If you’ll be anywhere near the ocean, keeping a hurricane tracking app on hand is definitely a good idea. Our favorite is My Hurricane & Tracker Alerts. This app allows you to track hurricanes, see where their paths might lead, and get alerts about specific storms. It will also alert you of tornadoes and other severe storms near you.
Best Tornado and Flood Alert App: Storm Shield
In addition to the hurricanes app mentioned above, we also recommend downloading Storm Shield. This is a fantastic app for watching for tornadoes and flooding, as well as information on hurricanes. The app will send alerts anytime a severe storm is in your area, and is often faster than local tornado sirens, making it an invaluable tool, especially when staying in Tornado Alley.
Best Radar App: NOAA Weather Radar Live
The aforementioned MyRadar app does, of course, include a radar for tracking storms. That said, we also really like the NOAA Weather Radar Live app, and find that it is easy to use and very accurate. For this reason, we like to keep both on hand.
Best Precipitation Prediction App: Dark Sky
Obviously, we don’t sit and watch weather radars all day long. When we need a quick and accurate prediction about whether there will be precipitation in a given place, we turn to the Dark Sky app. While this app will only show you up to one hour in the future, it is almost spooky how spot-on it is. The app will also send flood warnings and other weather alerts.
Best for Checking Air Quality: AIR by Plume Labs
Unfortunately, air quality can be pretty bad in certain parts of the US. This is especially true in big cities and in the west during fire season. Know what kind of air quality you’re dealing with each day and in each location you visit with the AIR app by Plume Labs.
Best for Tracing Wildfires: Firesource – Live Wildfires
Speaking of fires, you will definitely want to know where wildfires are as you travel, especially if you spend a lot of time on the far west side of the country. Firesource is the best app we’ve found for tracking wildfires, their severity, and other important information.
Best for Watching Wind Speed and Direction: Windy
High winds can be incredibly destructive to an RV. For this reason, RVers need to keep tabs on wind speeds, especially in windy places such as the Great Plains and the Badlands.
The Windy app provides a lot of weather information, but is most useful for tracking wind speed and direction and providing predictions about these things. This gives you an opportunity to pull in the slides and awning and rotate the rig if need be.
Best for Tracking Allergens: My Pollen Forecast
Do you suffer from seasonal allergies? My Pollen Forecast can help you avoid areas that will cause intense reactions by providing you with information on pollen and mold in any given area. Additionally, the app includes a diary that helps you track the days your allergies flare up worst and potentially narrow down their root cause.
With these weather apps, you should be able to keep your family safe and comfortable as you travel the United States. By allowing alerts from all of your weather apps and turning on location tracking, you’re sure to be notified of any dangers in your area, and by checking each app before you move to another spot, you will have an idea of what to expect from the weather and when to plan outings.
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