2024 Fulltime Families West Coast Family Reunion Rally
February 25th – March 3th: Sunday to Sunday
Winterhaven, CA
It’s time for Fulltime Families to start a new family tradition and head to Winterhaven for the 2024 West Coast Family Reunion Rally. We’re gearing up for a BIG party with all our friends! The schedule includes a variety of family activities, arts and crafts, educational seminars, campfires, shared meal times, coffee talks, byobs, and loads of fun! We’ll also have FTF rally favorites such as Parade of Homes and Kid’s Marketplace.
This family campground is perfectly suited for a gathering of fulltime families. A family-friendly atmosphere with full hook-ups, a pool, 2 spas and a game room.
Kids Marketplace
The best marketplace you will ever attend. Kids of all ages are encouraged to participate
This will be a week-long event with a special nightly and monthly campground rate. Arrive on Sunday, depart on Sunday. Activities will be arranged into two daily sessions: a Morning session and an Evening session. Why?
- More time for morning Field Trips!
- Working family members can still work and not miss out on all the fun.
- Continue homeschooling/roadschooling, if you desire.
- Restock your fridge with a visit to the grocery store.
- Clean your favorite coffee cup for the next Coffee Talk.
- Prepare your costume for the Rally Dance.
- Balance your checkbook before the Adult Marketplace.
- Help your child prepare for the Children’s marketplace.
- Reconnect with old friends.
- Meet new friends.
- Relax for a few hours in between the crazy RALLY TIME!
Your Rally Ticket gets you access to:
Rally Sticker for your RV
Rally Guide
Name Badges and Lanyards
Kid Themed Arts, Crafts, and Activities
Bonfires, S'Mores, and Campfire discussions
Dance Party
Kids Marketplace
Parade of Homes
Adult Coffee Talks and BYOBs
Raffle Prizes
Open and Closing Ceremonies
and much more!
Members Only! If you’re not a member yet, click here to join now. If you are a member, log in to register.
Step 1: Click to fill out your waiver and then ticket purchases will be enabled. Rally Tickets are required for all family members over the age of 3.
Rally tickets are $70/person, Lifetime Members receive a 10% discount.
Step 2: Book your camping reservation:
Once you purchase your rally tickets you will receive an email with instructions on how to book your camping reservation.
Site fees will be as follows:
Daily rate of $45
Weekly rate of $315
Monthly rate of $850 (+electric)
Taxes not included
GOT QUESTIONS? Check out our Rally FAQs
Want to see Videos from past Rallies? Check out our YouTube Channel for videos from other attendees.
What are the cancellation policies for this event?
Rally Fee Refunds:
- Cancel before December 27th, 2023 for a full refund of rally fees with $50 cancellation fee.
- Cancel between December 28th, 2023 – Jan 25th, 2024 for a 50% refund.
- Cancellations after January 25th, 2024 will not be refunded.
- If you need to cancel, please fill out the cancellation form by clicking here.
Camping Refunds:
- Please refer to the host campground regarding their refund policy. Fulltime Families has no control over campground refunds.
- Full refund prior to t-shirt order being placed. After the order has been placed, no refunds are available. If you want t-shirts shipped, there is an additional shipping fee of $6 per shirt.