Fulltime Families

The idea of Fulltime Families was born back in 2010 when founder Kimberly Travaglino saw a need for community amongst the growing population of RVing families. The organization started with just a few families​ but has since grown to include thousands of member families, all seeking friendship and support as they stray from the beaten path and create unique and remarkable lives for themselves.

Fulltime Families strives to provide education for these families as they jump into the world of RVing. We also provide opportunities for families on the road to make deep and meaningful connections. This is all done through incredibly active members only Facebook groups, events of all kinds, clubs for the kids, and smaller, more specialized communities called “branches”.

“When we pull into a new campground and kids playing at the playground start yelling our kids’ names, I feel like we’ve arrived home. The members Facebook groups help us find other families that are nearby or maybe not so near so we can meetup.”

-Amy Martin, FTF member

From one-day field trips to week-long rallies, there’s a Fulltime Families event for every taste, and we work to ensure these events happen in various locations across the US and Canada, making it easy for families to attend regularly. Kids clubs include a scouting group called Explorers as well as a book club. Finally, each of the branches has a Facebook group and sometimes smaller events which encourage the building of relationships based on common interests.

Besides community, we also provide our members with a number of valuable travel-related discounts. These include a long list of campgrounds that are willing to waive the extra child fee for members of FTF as well as discounts on memberships to popular camping organizations such as Good Sam Club and Escapees among many others.

As you can see, Fulltime Families is an incredibly valuable tool for RVing families, and many members will tell you they never would have survived on the road without it.

Join Fulltime Families

Fulltime Families Members get access to the best resources, community and discounts.

Who's Behind Fulltime Familes?

Wondering who is behind this amazing organization? Well, they are some pretty amazing people who are definitely worth getting to know.

Nicole & Dustin SCHROEDER

Nicole and Dustin have been full-time RVing with their three children (ages 17, 14, and 11) for over 2 years. Nicole is currently the Events Coordinator for Fulltime Families and is on a mission to create top quality event for the membership that build community and provide great value. She is also a licensed Early Childhood Education. Dustin has always been an entrepreneur and has owned multiple brick and mortar stores in Minnesota over the past 13 years. Within Fulltime Families, he works on providing valuable sponsorship opportunities and creating positive vendor relations. In their free time the enjoy traveling, hanging out with family and friends, and sharing stories around the campfire. 

Meet the Rest of the Team!

It takes a great team that works together. Meet the awesome people that makes Fulltime Families​ what is today.