Berkey is a known and trusted name in water filteration. In the Fulltime RV world they are one of the best for filtering drinking water!
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We did write about this product to learn more read: 5 Reasons Every RVer Should Own a Berkey Water Filter System
The Berkey water system comes in several different models.. Each Berkey model was engineered with a specific set of guidelines in mind. The most important factor to consider is the number of people that the specific Berkey water filter model would be able to supply drinking water for. Also, consider how you will be using the filter. Would you be using the water filter system to supply just drinking water or would the water from the Berkey also be needed for hygiene and cooking purposes? Finally, would you be using the Berkey system for everyday use or only in emergencies?
All models produce the same quality of Berkey water (purified). The difference between the models is the amount of water that they are able to produce per hour and the size of the storage container. The most popular model, the Big Berkey, is great for the average household size. Larger Berkey water systems also hold more filter elements, which allows the system to produce water faster because of the higher flow rate.