RV Essentials You Don't Know You Need

When purchasing an RV there are many RV essentials you know you will need, like water and sewer hoses, but there are also many things you will need but no one tells you ahead of time. Some items are for comfort, some for safety, and some just to make your life a little easier.

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1. RV waste tanks all have valves that are pulled to empty the contents through the hose and into the sewer. Unfortunately, these valves can break, leading to waste leaking (or pouring) onto the ground. This can be mitigated with a twist on waste valve at the end of the waste line. If any of the primary valves allow waste through, the Valterra T58 Twist-On Waste Valve will help you avoid a huge mess!



2. Speaking of waste tanks, most sewer hoses come with an opaque elbow to attach to the sewer opening. We recommend replacing that elbow with a clear one, like the RhinoFlex Clear Swivel Fitting. This will allow you to see when the tanks are fully emptied and will allow you to better monitor the tank health.

3. People often complain that their RV moves too much, especially with kids running around. X-chock Wheel Stabilizers will help with stability, as well as prevent the RV from rolling when on an incline.


These X-Chocks have been keeping an 18,000 pound fifth wheel stable and safe for over two years!

4. When at a campground family members will often be coming and going at different times, participating in events and socializing with friends. When no one is home you want to keep the RV locked and secure, but it is a pain to have everyone carry a key. A keyless lock is the solution. Everyone needs only to know the combination to lock and unlock the door, and if you need someone to go inside your RV when you aren’t there you can easily give a campground employee or friend the code.

5. Many things in an RV run off the 12V battery, and fuses will need to be replaced. It is important to have a selection on hand.



6. RV freezers are often small and not as cold as residential freezers. If you like cold beverages, a countertop ice maker is essential. They continuously make and store ice, and bringing a bag of ice to an RVers potluck is a great way to make friends!



Yes! You still can have ice while living in an RV!


7. While cabinets are made to stay closed when traveling, over time some will fail. To avoid finding all your canned goods on the floor after a particularly bumpy road, child safety locks are a great way to ensure things stay closed. These work well for two doors with handles while you will want something like these for single doors.


8. Things will break and zip ties are often a great way to fix them, sometime permanently and sometimes as a patch until you can get the supplies to fix it. It is important to have a variety of sizes as well as some longer ones.


10 RV Essentials

9. In addition to breaking, things will tear and leak. For issues with the roof you will want Eternabond Tape, if your awning tears you will want to repair it immediately to prevent worsening using Camco Awning Repair Tape, while Rescue tape will save the day when you have a leak.



10. The final thing you shouldn’t RV without when traveling with kids is a Fulltime Families Membership. In addition to a variety of discounts, a membership provides access to a fantastic community of fellow RVers through Facebook and access to events across the United States throughout the year.

A membership in Fulltime Families is an RV essential for anyone traveling by RV with children.


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