Our world is full of music, and having an understanding of—and appreciation for—music is a wonderful thing. Therefore, the Fulltime Families Explorers spent the month of July learning all about music. They listened, played, sang, and worked hard, and we couldn’t be more proud.

What We Did

Throughout the month of July, the Explorers read books about music, watched new musicals, and listened to new kinds of music. A few Explorers attended an online music class taught by our very own Amy Ridgeway, while others practiced playing musical instruments. We even had some participants create their own musical instruments!

Every person who participated sent in a video, photo, or explanation of their project, giving other Explorers a chance to admire their hard work and allowing us to award them their Music Appreciation pin and certificate.

What We Learned

The Explorers program hopes to help kids discover new interests and develop new skills that they can use now and in the future. By learning how to read, play, and appreciate music, many Explorers discovered a new passion for music, and all participants gathered some new skills to add to their toolboxes.

Who Participated

The following Explorers participated and deserve to be congratulated on their hard work:

  • Hannah
  • Barrett
  • Teagan
  • Blake
  • Juliette
  • Chloe
  • Ellie
  • Zadok
  • Issac
  • Evan
  • Grace
  • Betty
  • Alexander
  • Elizabeth
  • Brendon

Want to join Explorers and learn some valuable life skills? We always have room for more. Go to this page to find out how you can jump into the fun!