Knowing how to identify plants is a very useful skill, especially when you spend a lot of time exploring the great outdoors. Considering the majority of us Fulltime Families like to spend time in nature, it only makes sense to teach our kids some plant identification skills.

To that end, the FTF Explorers spent the month of May learning all about plant identification.

What We Did

Throughout the month of May, the Explorers talked, read, and watched videos on how to identify various types of plants. They learned about poisonous plants and discovered the importance of knowing which plants have thorns. They also learned about how important plants are for the ecosystem and why we shouldn’t disturb them. Finally, many explorers found and learned the names of a number of beautiful plants.

To earn their pins, participants sent in videos and photos of plants, plant drawings, plant journals, information they gathered, and even plants that they are growing themselves.

What We Learned

The Explorers program hopes to help kids learn skills they can carry with them and use their entire lives. This month’s project helped the Explorers learn how to identify and appreciate plants in the wild. This will allow them to avoid plants that could cause harm, as well as find those that could be helpful.

Who Participated?

The following Explorers participated and deserve to be congratulated on their hard work:

  • Teagan
  • Barrett
  • Blake
  • Cora
  • Zadok
  • Chloe
  • Grace
  • Betty
  • Elizabeth
  • Alexander
  • Hannah
  • Gus
  • Max
  • Abby
  • Lilly
  • Asher
  • Christian

Want to join Explorers and learn some valuable life skills? We always have room for more. Go to this page to find out how you can jump into the fun!

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