Wilderness survival skills are incredibly important. This is especially true if you spend a lot of time in the great outdoors, as Fulltime Families tend to do. After all, you certainly wouldn’t want to be caught in an emergency situation without any idea of what to do.
Because these skills are so important to have, the Fulltime Families Explorers spent the month of September learning all about wilderness survival. They read, talked, and watched videos, and then they went outdoors to try their hand at these skills.
What We Did
Throughout the month of September, the Explorers learned everything they could about surviving in the wilderness. They ventured out into the woods and other natural areas to test their skills. Some Explorers learned to build shelters or make water safe to drink. Others learned knot-tying skills, how to pack a hiking bag, how to build a fire, and the basics of foraging.
Every Explorer who participated told us about their project using videos, photos, or words. This gave other Explorers a chance to admire their newfound skills, and gave us the opportunity to award them their Wilderness Survival Skills pin and certificate!
What We Learned
The Explorers program hopes to help kids develop new skills that can be used for the rest of their lives. Additionally, we hope to introduce children to new interests and help them find their passions early in life.
In learning some new survival skills, all participants gained some useful information, and a few have decided to dive even deeper into the topic.
Who Participated
The following Explorers participated and deserve to be congratulated on their hard work:
- Elizabeth
- Alexander
- Colten
- Caleb
- Jocelyn
- Cora
- Hannah
- Blake
- Gus
- Grace
- Betty
Want to join Explorers and learn some valuable life skills? We always have room for more. Go to this page to find out how you can jump into the fun!