So, you want to hit the open road with your family but not sure how to get there?  Well, let’s start. That statement right there is the biggest secret.

(This is a guest post from Brad Finkeldei) 

Just start!

Finding your path can be a tricky thing, but it’s not impossible. Newton’s law of physics says things tend to stay in motion that already are and things at rest, stay at rest. Getting started is the key.

If you’re having trouble check out Mel Robbins’ book The Five Second Rule. It’s awesome for people (like myself) who get stuck sometimes.

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Past Tense Goal Setting

The first thing to do is change your verbiage. You can create the outcome you want by using language to describe your goals as if they’ve already been met. Speak as if you’ve already accomplished what you’re aiming for and you’ve gone from living full-time in your house to now living in your RV full-time.

For example, let’s say you’re married with two kids, own your home, have debt, and have too much stuff in your home. You’ve decided to give yourself a year to downsize and then go full-time.

Now, let’s say it’s a year from now and you’ve left for your big adventure and starting to tour the country. You’re sitting down with your best friend and they say, “Tell me what’s happened this last year? How did you do it? ” So, you start describing it….

This is the outcome you want at the top of your plan.


  • We got rid of everything we didn’t need.
  • We sold it all at an estate sale and we used that money to pay off some debt.
  • We sold the house and then took those proceeds to buy our first used RV.
  • We learned along the way that buying a cheaper but quality RV is the way to go for your first time.
  • We spent a lot of time researching and watching youtube videos on RV’s.
  • We got connected with some great online communities that were supportive.
  • We even took a few weekends and tested out a couple RV’s. We rented them and found the layout we liked.
  • We both found remote jobs and are feeling great working with the companies we are working for.
  • It’s been amazing, exciting, freeing, a little scary at times, but fulfilling.

If you don’t know exactly what you want or how it’s all going to play out go general in your approach with how you want to feel.

A simpler example would be:

  • We’re living full time in the RV and it feels great.
  • We didn’t know how it would all turn out but we stayed positive and kept taking actions.
  • It all worked out and now we are full-timing.
  • We both landed great jobs where we work remote and love it.

You can use this process for any outcome you want. Imagine what you want and that’s enough to get started towards it.

Considering What’s Possible

Living in an RV Full Time

The next step in the process is to visualize what’s possible if the outcome you created were true today. What’s possible now that you’re living in an RV full time? What can you do now that you couldn’t do before?


  • You can now travel full-time and wake up to experiences you don’t have access to today.
  • You get to drive or pull an RV around.
  • You get to pay RV parks for rent.
  • You get to move anytime you want.
  • You get to learn RV maintenance.
  • Maybe you get to watch moose while you make eggs for your honey who’s still sleeping in the back of the RV.

The reason for this is to pull your mind towards the positive instead of the negative. It also can remind you why you’re doing what you’re doing. Whatever would be possible put it in this section.

Finding Resources and Opportunities for the Outcome to be Successful

What people, places, or things do you need to reach your goal?


  • Youtube research
  • RV Parks
  • RV forums
  • RV websites dedicated to full-time families
  • Career coach
  • Tidy up show with Marie Kondo on Netflix or her book The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering
  • Real estate agent
  • RV trader
  • Family and friends who are supportive
  • Financial advisor

Where can this outcome happen or start to happen in the world?


  • Conversations with people
  • Online communities
  • RV dealers
  • Private dealers
  • In your car driving
  • In your home

The point of this is to get you to think outside of the normal and be in conversations with people. Sharing about your dreams can cause miracles to happen when you least expect it.

Share, share, share. Think of all the places your outcome could happen. Who knows? You might stir up a conversation in an elevator. That could lead to learning a family member of theirs recently passed and they need to sell their RV. Opportunity is everywhere as long as we look and listen.

Creating Your Team

Who are your teammates in helping you succeed?


  • Mom
  • Dad
  • Brothers
  • Sisters
  • Partner
  • Kids
  • Supportive friends and family

The point is to tell your family and people in your life what you’re up to and ask for their support. If they aren’t supportive then don’t talk to them about it. Keep going after your dream, but don’t make them wrong or alienate them from your life.

mapping your route to full time rv living

Habits to Put In and Habits to Take Out

During this year, you’re going to be expanding outside of your comfort zone. What you’re doing now probably won’t get you to the outcome you want. What habits do you have now that won’t help you get to your goal? What habits will you need to have to get you to where you want to go?


Habits to Put In

  • Creating a plan
  • Putting plans on the calendar
  • Sharing our dreams with supportive people in our life on a regular basis,
  • Educating ourselves RV’s and the lifestyle
  • Working on things at night instead of watching TV

Habits to Take Out

  • Watching too much TV that’s not supportive of our dream
  • Hanging out with negative people who don’t believe in your dream
  • Watching the news

Setting Milestones

Let’s take a look at the outcome again and start working backward to create milestones. Write down your final milestone from the perspective of the outcome already being complete. Now, ask yourself the following: “What’s happened right before this step?” Write down that milestone. Keep repeating that cascading process until you get to the start or today, creating as many milestones as you need.

An example of milestones created using the outcome written earlier in the article would be:

Milestone #5

We packed the RV up and are heading out on the road full-time now.

Fill with action items that would lead to milestone 5 being complete.

Milestone #4

The house has sold easily and we made more money than we thought.

Fill with actions items that would lead to milestone 4 being complete.

Milestone #3

We paid down more of our debt and actually paid off one account in full.

Fill with actions items that would lead to milestone 3 being complete.

Milestone #2

We found and accepted new remote jobs and loving what we do.

Fill with actions items that would lead to milestone 2 being complete.

Milestone #1

We downsized our home and had a wildly successful estate sale.

Fill with actions items that would lead to milestone 1 being complete.


In a nutshell, you’re creating a plan backward. It works well because it helps you see your outcome from a new perspective. Doing it this way you’ll discover steps you may not have thought of.

Planning this way also leaves open the possibility for things to change because they will. The secret to this whole process is to be OPEN and ALLOWING little miracles to show up along the way. Sometimes our greatest gifts our the surprises along the way.

Here’s a link to download an example plan.  Recreate this and once it’s “finalized” put it on a giant sticky note and put it in your home. Then start telling the supportive people in your life your plans.

Lastly, enjoy the ride.

Questions or comments about creating your plan comment below or reach out to Brad.

Brad Finkeldei is a full-time career coach. He helps professionals who are stuck in their careers find their path. You can find out more about him here: